Video: Astronauts work hard, play hard onboard the International Space Station

Al neyadi astronauts playing onboard ISS
UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi uploaded a video on Friday in which he demonstrated one of the activities they play to unwind after work.
Image Credit: Twitter | Astro_Alneyadi

How do long-staying astronauts pass the time away during “weekends” in space? UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi on Friday shared a video showing a downtime for the team of space explorers.

The game’s goal is for players to try to fling a table tennis ball between two rings in a dart-like motion. It was played with Russian cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev and NASA astronaut Stephen Bowen.

Astronauts see more than 16 sunrises and sunsets during a 24-hour period on board the ISS, which hovers some 400km above on what is called a “low-Earth orbit”.

Al Neyadi stands as the longest-serving Arab astronaut, having spent more months aboard the space station than any other astronaut from this region.

The journey signifies a historic milestone for the UAE, as Al Neyadi has navigated through a series of firsts, setting a list of unprecedented achievements.