Intersystems: Data platforms that power AI with healthy data


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It takes more than just reams of data to reap the benefits of artificial intelligence. The true promise of AI is enabled by healthy data —data that is accessible, reliable and clean—to offer up valuable insights. Achieving high-quality, trustworthy data is possible with the right underlying infrastructure and data management platforms in place such as InterSystems IRIS data platform and InterSystems IRIS for Health.

InterSystems has developed a complete data platform that speeds and simplifies the development, deployment, and maintenance of real-time, data-intensive analytic applications in a variety of industries including healthcare.

Supporting AI functions

There are many roles for AI with machine learning, for example:

Decision support: Mine peer-reviewed data to suggest a diagnosis or enable physicians to understand what the data is saying about what they’re seeing.

Resource management utilisation: Monitor inventory against needs to ensure, for example, that medical equipment is available and allocated where it’s needed most.

Cohort identification: Identify good candidates for clinical trials and provide insights based on real-world evidence; or enable an insurer’s call centre to reach out to patients proactively to suggest wellness approaches, which could also decrease the long-term burden of care.

Analytics: Help make use of data and deliver actionable insights to the right people at the right time.

Ali Abi Raad, Country Manager for the Middle East and India at InterSystems

Support patient care

A 2020 IDC survey that evaluated the relative maturity of AI adoption for healthcare providers in Germany, the US, and the UK found that the top three use cases were inferencing to improve data quality, reading images to assist in making diagnoses, and early identification of hospital-acquired infections.

Consider radiologists, who are increasingly turning to AI-powered technologies to make the most of the growing volumes of ever-higher-resolution output from imaging scanners. AI-powered medical imaging systems can produce scans and help radiologists identify patterns and treat patients with emergent or serious conditions sooner.

Advance bioengineering discoveries

AI is key to analysing the three billion base pairs of the human genome to identify the genetic sequences responsible for disease and uncover potential treatments. It is enabling fields like synthetic biology to advance research to combat antibiotic resistance, use imaging to diagnose skin cancers, and help develop individualised drug-based treatments for a host of diseases. Powerful technology like InterSystems IntegratedML is opening the doors to new discoveries that will improve patient experience and outcomes while reducing the cost of care.

Assess and manage risk

One InterSystems healthcare customer has created 113,000 distinct features to support the development of its AI patient risk models. To handle such tasks with maximum efficiency, InterSystems IRIS stores data in the database as multidimensional arrays and uses horizontal scaling techniques. InterSystems IRIS thus provides high performance with fewer hardware resources for feature engineering tasks.

Leveraging AI and big data for innovation

“InterSystems technologies make it faster and easier for data scientists to collect, integrate, and normalise the data required to build and tune accurate AI models and incorporate them into real-time business processes,” says Ali Abi Raad, Country Manager for the Middle East and India at InterSystems. “InterSystems IRIS data platform and InterSystems IRIS for Health provide a complete set of embedded integration capabilities, including out-of-the-box connectivity for a wide range of packaged applications, databases, industry standards, protocols and technologies. In this way, InterSystems technologies are helping organisations leverage AI and big data to deliver innovative new services, create new revenue streams, improve customer experiences, and streamline business processes to gain competitive advantage and realise value quickly.”

For more information about InterSystems IRIS data platform and InterSystems IRIS for Health, visit and

These software platforms form part of the comprehensive series of solutions for healthcare that also include InterSystems TrakCare unified healthcare information system and InterSystems HealthShare unified health record.