
Canadians & Brazilians Ready To Return To Europe, Study Shows

The most recent study by the European Travel Commission (ETC) has revealed that Canadians and Brazilian respondents are ready to return to Europe after almost two years of little to no travelling due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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According to the report,  53 per cent of respondents from Brazil claimed they want to visit more than one European country, on average mentioning three countries, while the percentage was slightly higher for Canadian respondents – 59 per cent, who also mentioned three countries of the EU they would like to visit, reports.

Brazilians say they had a good experience travelling to the EU, with 40 per cent claiming they have visited the zone before while for another 60 per cent, this is the first time. The best time to book a ticket to travel to the EU for Brazilians is either November or December, and 40 per cent of respondents claimed they like visiting Europe for its culture and historical heritage or enjoying the culinary delights of the zone.

The main factors that are important for Brazilians, in this case, are the high quality of tourism infrastructures (42 per cent), destination’s safety (40 per cent), the weather conditions (31 per cent), affordability of travel and tourism experiences (30 per cent) and the popular sights to see (29 per cent).

“Given that the Brazilian market is price sensitive, it is interesting that only 30 per cent of respondents with travel plans reported the cost of tourism experiences to be an influencing factor in their next destination choice. Similarly, less than a third of respondents consider “must-see” attractions as a top priority,” ETC’s report points out.

As for Canadian respondents, they are divided into two as half of them have been to Europe before. About 40 per cent of respondents want to travel with their partner, another 26 per cent with a family member, and 22 per cent want to go on an adventure alone.

Differently from Brazilian respondents, Canadians are more uncertain about their travelling plans. About 29 per cent of respondents said they are uncertain about the time of the trip, and another 65 per cent have not booked their flight tickets yet.

Canadians also cite the high quality of tourism infrastructure (34 per cent) as the main reason for picking the EU as a destination, followed by the destination’s safety (32 per cent), affordability (32 per cent), weather (28 per cent), and famous sights to see (24 per cent).

The top three countries picked by Canadians were France (33 per cent) due to cultural proximity, Italy (27 per cent), and the United Kingdom (25 per cent). As per Brazilians, they also went with countries they are most related to – Portugal (41 per cent), France (36 per cent), and Italy (35 per cent).